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Poinsettias Fundraiser

A special fundraiser to benefit Bret Harte Booster Club

Get a head start on your holiday decorating with gorgeous poinsettias direct from Headstart Nursery’s greenhouses! These beautiful, vibrant poinsettias are the easiest way to get your home or business ready for the holiday season. They also make wonderful gifts. 


Poinsettias are just $12.00/plant and all proceeds benefit Bret Harte Booster Club (athletics, clubs, PE equipment etc.). Orders and payment can be made online with PayPal by using the Online Poinsettia Order Form below. If you would like to pay with a check (payable to Bret Harte Booster Club), print and fill out a copy of the Poinsettia Order Form PDF and submit to Sylvia in the school office with your payment by November 10, 2021 (deadline may be extended if inventory is available).

Poinsettias are a deep red color and grown in 6½” pots with festive red pot covers and are sleeved for protection during shipment.


Please plan to pick up poinsettias on December 2, 2021 at 6840 Hampton Drive, SJ, 95120, time TBD. 

Any questions?  Please email or call/text Kristine LaBelle-Irish.

Bret Harte Athletics & Booster Club

7050 Bret Harte Drive

San Jose, CA 95120

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© 2024 by Bret Harte Middle School Athletics & Booster Club

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El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San José prohíbe la discriminación, intimidación, acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual) o el hostigamiento tomando como base la ascendencia real o percibida de una persona, su color, discapacidad, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, la situación migratoria, nacionalidad, raza o etnia, religión, sexo, orientación sexual o asociación con una persona o un grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. Si tiene preguntas o quejas al respecto, comuníquese con la Coordinadora de Cumplimiento de Equidad y Título IX o la Directora de Servicios Estudiantiles a y con el Coordinador del Artículo 504 o el Director de Educación Especial a, 855 Lenzen Avenue, (408) 535-6000.

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