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Bret Harte Booster Club (BHBC) supports our Broncos in ways big and small. Your donation of $60 per student will help fund: athletic teams, student clubs and P.E. equipment. BHBC programs provide academic, social and athletic benefits to all Bret Harte students through your generous donations and participation in our annual fundraising events.

Donations are tax deductible (Tax ID# 77-0342966), to the extent of allowed by tax laws. Please consult a tax professional for guidance.


Donations can be made in several ways:

  • Check (payable to Bret Harte Booster Club)

  • Online with PayPal (by clicking the PayPal Donate button below)

  • Scanning the QR code above with your smartphone


Note: If your donation is for a sports team, please ensure you submit the Sports Team Contribution Form below, irrespective of payment form.


Team contributions are per sport played and support specific athletic needs, such as coach's stipend, uniforms, equipment, etc. (above and beyond the Booster Club Donation Drive).

Seasons 1 & 2 Sports

Suggested Contribution

Baseball $125 - $225

Basketball (Girls) $100 - $200

Cheer $100 - $200

Cross Country $50 - $150

Handball $100 - $200

Soccer (Boys) $100 - $200

Softball $125 - $225

Wrestling $100 - $200

Seasons 3, 4 & 5 Sports

Suggested Contribution

Basketball (Boys) $100 - $200

Golf $250 - $350

Soccer (Girls) $100 - $200

Tennis $100 - $200

Track & Field $100 - $200

Volleyball $100 - $200

Water Polo $100 - $200

Please turn the Sports Team Contribution form into your coach, regardless of donation, by the end of the first week of practice and to receive your uniform for the season. Teams with 100% of their teammates submitting their completed forms within three weeks of the beginning of the season will win a gift card to be used by their coach toward an end-of-the-season team party.


Seasons 1 & 2 Form


Seasons 3, 4 & 5 Form


Donation Drive Form

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