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​Bret Harte Athletics & Booster Club Finance Policies

Policy for Sports/Clubs Budgeted Expenses

1. Proposed identified needs for teams and clubs must be submitted in writing by the coach/advisor to the Sports Team Coordinator prior to the September Booster meeting.

2. All requests will be considered by the executive board as part of the Boosters budget.

3. Coaches can speak to requests at the September Meeting.

4. Vote will be taken to approve to approve the budget at the September meeting.


5. Budgeted expenses do not need to be approved, but must have forms submitted in order to receive reimbursement. Receipts must be attached for expenditures. No reimbursement will occur without proper documentation. If the expense if to be prepaid by Boosters, appropriate documentation needs to be attached in lieu of a receipt.

Policy for Sports/Clubs Non-Budgeted Expenses

1. Non-Budgeted Expenses need Booster board approval, which will be determined at the Booster meeting following the receipt of the appropriate paperwork (reimbursement form and documentation regarding request). If the expense if to be prepaid by Boosters, appropriate documentation needs to be attached in lieu of a receipt.

Policy for Sports/Clubs Fundraising

 1. Any fundraising done to purchase t-shirts, sweatshirts and any other items that the athletes may keep after the season should be handled within the team. However, approval by Boosters is required before any such activities.

2. All monies should be held by a parent and all checks should be written to a parent; not the coach.

Policy for Reimbursement

 1. All reimbursement forms and receipts must be submitted to the Boosters by the end of the season for sport’s teams or by the end of May for clubs.

2. Reimbursement forms turned in late may not be paid. This will be at the discretion of the Booster Executive committee.

3. All approved purchases must be carried out and receipts submitted within the fiscal year in which they were approved. Fiscal year ends July 31st for Boosters. No exceptions.

4. The Booster Club shall not assume any financial obligation in any one term of the office that will be carried over into the succeeding term. Exception: large purchases requiring multi-year fundraising.

5. If an approved item is not purchased with receipts submitted by the end of the fiscal year, the item must be reconsidered by the next year’s Booster Board for funding. A new vote is necessary to fund/purchase the item(s).

Policy for Funding Requests and Payments/Check Writing

1. Requests must be submitted at least one calendar day prior to Booster meeting for consideration.

2. Bills should be presented to the treasurer at the Booster meeting for authorization of payment.

3. All bills should be paid promptly as authorized by the Booster board.

4. Two signatures are required on all checks. Checks must be signed by the Booster treasurer and president. If one is unavailable, the Booster secretary may be the second signature.

5. Individuals authorized to sign checks should not be related to each other by marriage or any other relationship.

6. Authorization for disbursements of funds must be spelled out in minutes.

7. Authorization for payment should include date, check#, amount to paid, budget line item, signatures.

8. No purchase may be made without written authorization (notation made in official minutes documenting approval of purchase) by Booster board.

9. All bills must be paid by Booster check.

10. A blank check should never be signed.

11. All contracts entered into by the president on behalf of Boosters must have authorization from the board. Authorization must be noted in the official minutes.

12. Treasurer should be prepared to present statement of all checks written within the budget between meetings, answer any questions and have records available at all meetings.

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